think ahead

Thursday 25 April 2024, 18.30 – 19.45 BST

From Traditional to Trailblazing: Strategies for Mid-Career Transition

Many of us are asking ourselves profound questions about the work we do. Rewarding work drives social bonds and connectivity and keeps us mentally and physically alert, while studies show that long-periods of worklessness has the opposite effect, especially if finances are restricted. Yet, the work that you do in your 20s and 30s may not be the work you want to do in your 40s and 50s. Passions change, and life events can influence the need or aspiration to pursue a different course. The pandemic proved the impetus for thousands of people to make work pivots and in the age of the 100-year life, career change may be more common, but society is still entrenched in the old linear path and not yet programmed to support new work and life structures. So, how can you shed the fear and emotional stress of trying something new?


London Business School‘s upcoming think ahead event, From Traditional to Trailblazing: Strategies for Mid-Career Transition will provide you with practical strategies to support you through a successful mid-career change, learning from global industry practitioners with real-world experience. Our London Business School Faculty will present world-leading academic research to guide you as you trailblaze the future of work, and help you navigate mid-career changes with more optimism, creativity, and success.

The event will feature Herminia Ibarra, Charles Handy Chair in Organisational Behaviour; Professor of Organisational Behaviour, at London Business School; Kurt Budge, Mining Executive/Former CEO, Registered Forrest Yoga Teacher, Executive Coach in training; Russell Jones, ex-Army captain turned artist, and will be moderated by Sarah Gordon, Visiting Professor in Practice at the LSE, former Business Editor, Financial Times, former CEO at the Impact Investing Institute, and will cover:

  • What makes career change so difficult?
  • Is there a bias to overcome in pursuing a non-traditional career path?
  • Strategies to face sustainable and successful mid-career change with optimism and creativity
  • Will this be the future of work?

Thursday 25 April 2024, 18.30 – 19.45 BST

Online event

Speaker highlights

Herminia Ibarra
Herminia Ibarra

Charles Handy Chair in Organisational Behaviour; Professor of Organisational Behaviour

Kurt Budge
Kurt Budge

Mining Executive/Former CEO, Registered Forrest Yoga Teacher, Executive Coach in training

Sarah Gordon
Sarah Gordon

Visiting Professor in Practice at the LSE, former Business Editor, Financial Times, former CEO at the Impact Investing Institute

Russell Jones
Russell Jones

Artist and Painter, former Captain, British Army


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